Since 2003, Castelar Design & Code has built and maintained websites and helped a wide array of businesses, nonprofits and government agencies with their digital marketing. We have been hard at work building a new virtual home for the business. Over the coming days and weeks, we will be moving over to a new website domain and rebranding as Northward.
Not only will this move incorporate a new design, but it is also a chance to retool our service offerings and focus on what works best in the digital landscape today. Our focus and goals will be to drive the best possible marketing results for our clients now, and into the foreseeable future.
We will continue to offer high quality website and landing page design, but much of our focus in the short term will be on building the best possible search engine optimization and pay-per-click ad management services your money can buy. Getting results and showing ROI is the name of the game.
All relevant content from this domain will be migrated, and much of it will be updated during the process. For the content that makes the cut, you will be automatically redirected from pages on to when ready.
The plan is to keep our old domain and email addresses running as long as possible, but please update your bookmarks and contacts to the new domain when you can.
We hope you like our new home as much as we do, and if you have any questions or just want to say hi, please give us a call or drop us a line any time.